CV Assistant

Posted 26 November 2022 11:24 AM

Total Views : 10529 Last 7 days Views: 66

This is a free and very easy  service for you to use. You don't have to register. The issue we are hoping to resolve is the lack of standardisation in titles used when citing art prize exhibitions. If you look at enough artists' cvs you will see that prizes like the "Doug Moran National Portrait Prize " is referred to as the "Doug Moran Prize" or the "Doug Moran Art Prize" or the "Moran Prize" etc. And it isn't just the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize but a wide range of the more than 1000 Australian art prizes.

The question "Does it matter if you don't cite the prize title correctly?" is up to you to decide on. But, if you think it does matter then check out:  And in the long run when everything on the internet is connected into a huge data pool including your cv, then having the correct title for art prize exhibitions will be beneficial to everyone.

Some subscribers may recall that in 2020 we built an AI engine that reviewed your cv and put it into a standardised format of:
Year, title, venue, city, comments for every citation. However, we never anticipated the creative ways in which artists cited exhibitions and even the AI couldn’t cope with the variety of citations so we effectively took a step back to see if we could find another way to help artists and galleries standardise citations in cvs. This is all because I think that standardised citations are going to be very important in the next few years as curators and galleries look for more information across art databases. And databases need consistent data to be of use. Just to be clear - using CV Assistant does not put your data into a database - rather it just gets it into a consistent state.

There are 4 simple steps to follow when using the CV Assistant -

  1. Enter your name - the form returns any Australian art prize finalist exhibitions we have covered
  2. You can then add prize exhibitions we don't have or edit existing citations*
  3. Then email the list to yourself
  4. Copy and paste into your cv

* Any data you enter does not get saved to the db. To check, go to your record, make a change to the CV Assistant data and then exit the form. When you return none of the changes you made will have been captured in the database.

Watch our Explainer on Youtube.