Visible White Photo and Video Prize

Applications Closed | 303 views in last 12 months
Applications close
15 March 2017
19 May 2017
Prize money
EUR €5,000
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The prize was founded in 2012 by Celeste Network and Fondazione Studio Marangoni to support international photographers and video artists who engage, creatively, with what is moving personal, social and political issues today.

The 2017 theme is  ‘In Conflict’ photographers and artists have the opportunity to reflect on a theme which emphasizes and encourages this ‘return’ to a collective consciousness or a consciousness at the service of communities.

Selectors are looking for artwork and projects which: 

  • deliver new angles of vision and understanding to the chosen theme
  • reflect contemporary ways in which images of people, ideas and places are created
  • show discipline and personal style - contain strong reference systems 
  • use conceptual or descriptive interpretations to shed new light on the chosen theme
  • push the boundaries of the media

Works and Projects can be in digital or analogue photography, or computer graphic modelling, software art, digital manipulations, polaroids, mobile phone photographs or images taken with any other photographic devices, presented in a two-dimensional format. Works should be presented as art photography in any form which could include photographic essays, personal stories in the style of storytelling, fictional narratives, documentary work, photojournalism or set pieces. There are no limits to the size of works submitted. Images submitted to the prize are uploaded online in JPG or PNG formats from applicants’ personal accounts in Celeste Network. We advise you submit images at least 2,500 pixels on the longest side. Before publishing your work, you can approve or not viewing in high resolution. It is possible to include up to 10 images in a project submitted to Skin. Projects with less than 10 images are still valid for the prize and will be considered on a par with other projects for selection and prizes.


  • Best Project - 2,500 Euros
  • Runner-up Project - 1,500 Euros
  • Best Single Work - 1,000 Euros

Contact: for more information please visit the website.

Venue: Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence Italy

Applications close
15 March 2017
Exhibition dates
May - June 2017
Finalists notified
31 March 2017
National and International Entries Allowed
Prize frequency
Laura Serani, Fondation des Treilles, France; Selva Barni, Fantom Editions, Meilan and others.
Prize genre
Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence, Italy
EUR €5,000
Single Work 20 €, for additional single works 15 €. Project 50 € (up to 10 single images), for additional projects 40 €.
Last updated
6 March 2017
Prior Winners
No prize winners information available