Togart - Contemporary Art Award

Applications Closed | 350 views in last 12 months
Applications close
12 April 2013
17 September 2013
Prize money
AUD $20,000
NT, Australia
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The Togart Contemporary Art Award of $15,000 cash will be awarded to the work considered by judges to be the most outstanding work in the exhibition. A people's choice prize of $5,000 will also be awarded at the completion of the exhibition and any associated tour.

Public art within the new world-class Darwin City Waterfront will have a 24 hour impact and is intended to reach a broad audience of residents, tourists and local visitors. It will enhance the fabric of the landscape with poignant references to the past, present and the future. For artists it will mean opportunities to present skills, concepts and thoughts for inclusion into the precinct and the opportunity to participate in a significant contemporary art award.

The challenge is not to develop a formulaic city waterfront, a style that is already prevalent around Australia, but rather to stamp this development with the quality that will serve to distinguish Darwin in a global context, to set it apart, exhibiting the unique characteristics of Darwin by drawing on its rich cultural past, its dynamic present, and its promising future. 

The award is open to artists who have based their practice within the Northern Territory for a substantial period of time or whose work demonstrates a strong connection with the Northern Territory or the surrounding region. Artists currently living interstate or overseas who comply with the above conditions may enter the award. The work of emerging artists is strongly encouraged as is work which demonstrates innovation in contemporary art practice.


  • Major Prize - $15,000

  • People's Choice - $5,000

Fees in 2013

A fee of $25 - only one work per artist can be entered.

Artists will be notified of preselection in June 2013.

Winners announced on Tuesday 17th September 2013.

Judges in 2013

The judging panel that selected the shortlist include:
  • TBA

Venue: Parliament House Darwin , Darwin, NT and then the Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs.

Contact: For more information call (08) 8942 0523 or email

Applications close
12 April 2013
Exhibition dates
17 September - 18 October 203
Finalists notified
Prize frequency
Prize genre
Parliament House, Darwin, NT 0801
AUD $20,000
Last updated
7 January 2013
Prior Winners
No prize winners information available