The Freedman Foundation Travelling Scholarship for Emerging Artists

Applications Closed | 533 views in last 12 months
Applications close
30 April 2021
5 August 2013
Prize money
AUD $20,000
NSW, Australia
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The Freedman Foundation Travelling Scholarship for Emerging Artists provides assistance towards travel (for educational purposes) and/or tuition costs for young people building a career in the visual arts broadly in the areas of painting, photography or sculpture. Overseas travel (preferably for the first time) to undertake formal study, a residency or a planned program with a professional artist or mentor will be considered, as will informal study for a planned research project. Up to 4 candidates will be awarded $5,000 each (excluding GST).

Each year 4 x scholarships are awarded to young early career artists to assist with the cost of overseas travel to:

• undertake formal study or

• undertake a residency or mentorship (planned program with a professional artist) or

• undertake informal study for a planned research project.

Venue: An event announcing the winners will be held in Sydney at a date to be advised. NAVA is situated at Level 1/ 43 -51 Cowper Wharf Rd Woolloomooloo 2011, NSW.

Contact: For advice regarding the Scholarship contact the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) on 02 9368 1900 or email:

Application dates
1 February 2021 - 30 April 2021
Exhibition dates
11 August 2017 - 2 September 2017
Finalists notified
National Entries
Prize frequency
Prize genre
Grants and Scholarships
NAVA, Level 1/ 43 -51 Cowper Wharf Rd Woolloomooloo 2011, NSW
AUD $20,000
Last updated
1 June 2022
Prior Winners
No prize winners information available