Sovereign Asian Art Prize

Applications Closed | 331 views in last 12 months
Applications close
15 October 2013
3 June 2016
Prize money
Hong Kong
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Established in 2004, The Sovereign Asian Art Prize is Asia’s largest contemporary art prize in which artists from over 25 countries within the Asia Pacific Region enter on an annual basis.

The prize is run on a nomination basis, so artists who enter have been selected by art professionals from within their country or region. This ensures that the right artists are represented in this prize, making it one of the most competitive art prizes in the Asia Pacific.

The nominated entries are then judged by a panel of world renowned art professionals who shortlist 30 artworks which become the finalists of the prize. These finalists are exhibited throughout the region and are eventually sold at auction (with the exception of the prize winner), where the proceeds are divided equally between the artist and the charity. All funds raised by The Sovereign Art Foundation will be used towards supporting various centres and projects around the region primarily using art as a means of education, rehabilitation and therapy for disadvantaged children.

Submitted works should be 2D such as paintings, drawings, photographs, digital imagery, collage.


  • Winning entry - US$30,000
  • Public Prize - US$1,000

Contact: For more information email

Application dates
15 October 2013 - 15 October 2013
Exhibition dates
Finalists notified
22 April 2016
National and International Entries Allowed
Prize frequency
David Elliott, Artistic Dir. 17th Biennale of Sydney; Emi Eu, Dir. of Singapore Tyler Print Institute; Lars Nittve, ED of M+ Visual Culture Museum, Hong Kong; Tim Marlow, Director of White Cube; Philip Tinari, Head of Ullens Center of Cont.Art.
Prize genre
1601 Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong
Hong Kong
US$25 per entry (max of 3) which is donated to charity. %50 of sale price goes to charity.
Last updated
10 February 2023
Prior Winners
No prize winners information available