Positive Negatives

Applications Closed | 389 views in last 12 months
Applications close
15 January 2016
Prize money
AUD $0
NSW, Australia
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Positive Negatives

NSW Printmakers and Photographers are invited to submit up to four (4) images and entry fee of $25 for this selective exhibition to: artstudioscooperative@gmail.com Deadline for entries is 5pm Friday 15th of January 2016. Guest curator is Leonard Matkevich Head of Printmaking, Art School, East Sydney (now the National Art School) from 1970 - 95. Successful entrants will be notified by January 22nd, and will be asked to deliver their work February 29, 30, or 31 to: Art Studios Gallery, 391 Mann Street North Gosford, between 10am to 4pm. Details for Submissions: Include your name, address, phone number, email and ABN (optional) Submissions must be the result of photographic or printmaking processes only Works must be produced in 2015 and not previously exhibited Artists may enter up to 4 images only - medium resolution JPEG (1mb) with yourlastname_title_size.jpg Maximum artwork dimensions: 1metre X 1metre including frame Low relief works fitting the criteria will be accepted Include a brief description of the artworks submitted (title, date, mediums, process(es), edition, and price (allowing for gallery commission of 25%) Include a brief artist CV and concept/statement for your artwork(s) Indicate your availability to teach workshops and/or participate in artist talks during the exhibition All accepted work will require framing (unless necessary to the concept) and be ready to hang with d-rings and/or string or wire The Gallery reserves the right to decide on the final inclusions $25 entry fee payable by cheque and mailed to: Art Studios Cooperative Ltd 391 Mann St North Gosford NSW 2251 or bank transfer to: Art Studios Cooperative Ltd BSB 633000 Acct 151144607 (Ensure you send an email confirmation of payment to: artstudioscooperative@gmail.com with the heading Positive Negatives

Applications close
15 January 2016
Exhibition dates
February 3 - 28 2016
Finalists notified
Regional or State Entries
Prize frequency
Prize genre
391 Mann Street North Gosford NSW 2250
AUD $0
$25 entry for up to 4 images.Art Studios Gallery takes 25% commission on sales
Last updated
29 December 2015
Prior Winners
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