New Technological Art Award

Applications Closed | 549 views in last 12 months
Applications close
31 March 2016
5 November 2016
Prize money
EUR €8,000
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All living artists, regardless of their origin, can present their candidacy for art works less than two years old, but which may already have been exhibited. Each artist may submit only one work. The contest is international and uses English as main language.

Despite the growing interest in various forms of artistic realizations, this nevertheless still is confronted with some limitations. Contemporary art is gaining in importance, but is only one facet of the overall contemporary artistic production. Art inspired by and in contact with the technological developments of today is not a mainstream interest. It is our aim to promote these contemporary art forms and further open them up to a wider audience.

From the very beginning, the Liedts Meesen Foundation has made a clear choice for these little known forms of artistic expression. This conscious choice is consistent with the transnational goals of the foundation.

This award is thus restricted to new technology art.

The international jury selects 20 projects from all candidates. At the end of the exhibition and at the time of the international conference, the jury will reward one art work. Throughout the duration of the exhibition, also each visitor with an entrance ticket can vote in favor of a work. The highest number of votes determines the winner of the public prize. In addition, talks are under way for the granting of a prize by the Brussels Capital Region for the works shown in Brussels, and by the Flemish Community for the work shown in Ghent.


  • The winner receives €5,000



Zebrastraat - Zebrastraat 32/001 - 9000 Gent - Belgium -
IMAL asbl iMAL vzw - 30 Quai des Charbonnages/ Koolmijnenkaai 30 - 1080 Bruxelles Brussel - Belgique België -
École nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre - 21 Abbaye de La Cambre - 1000 Bruxelles - Belgique -

Contact: Isolde De Buck, +32(0)477/78.90.98 or email

Applications close
31 March 2016
Exhibition dates
5 November - 4 December 2016
Finalists notified
1 June 2016
National and International Entries Allowed
Prize frequency
Biennial - Even Years
Head of the jury Martin Honzik (Head of Department Prix/Festival Ars Electronica) together with Peter Weibel (Director, ZKM Karlsruhe), Jean-Marie Dallet (artist, research professor at the Université Paris 8), Liedts-Meesen Foundation, and more.
Prize genre
Digital and New Media
Zebrastraat 32/001, 9000 Gent, Belgium
EUR €8,000
Looks to be free
Last updated
2 February 2016
Prior Winners
No prize winners information available