London International Creative Competition

Applications Closed | 450 views in last 12 months
Applications close
30 May 2016
8 July 2016
Prize money
GBP £2,000
United Kingdom
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The Announcement Dates for 2016 are only estimates - they are held 6 weeks after the closing date for applications.

The London International Creative Competition, LICC, conducts one competition each year open to artists anywhere in the world. The artists selected will have their work presented in an exhibition in a prestigious gallery in London. The work will also be published in the Annual Awards Book.

LICC invites passionate visual artists from around the glob to submit their innovative artwork for inclusion in the LICC competition. The artwork is juried by a board of internationally luminaries of the visual arts. The jury-selected Final Selection and Shortlist is published in the LICC Annual Awards Book, on this website and is announced to the creative arts and media outlets worldwide.

Categories include: advertising, architectural design, audio/music, creative writing, environmental design, fashion, graphic design, illustration, installation, interior design, NetArt, Painting, performance, photography, sculpture, textile, video, webdesign.


  • One prize-winner will be chosen by the jury from the list of 15 FINALISTS to receive the £2,000 cash prize. All fifteen on finalists will receive the LICC Awards
  • One student will receive the title of "New Talent of the Year" and £1,000 cash prize

Contact: For more information email

Venue: Mews 42, 42 Prince Gate Mews London SW7 2PR


Application dates
1 April 2016 - 30 May 2016
Exhibition dates
Finalists notified
8 July 2016
National and International Entries Allowed
Prize frequency
Refer to the website
Prize genre
Mews 42, 42 Prince Gate Mews London SW7 2PR
United Kingdom
GBP £2,000
Entry fee is £30 or for students it is £15.
Last updated
8 February 2023
Prior Winners
No prize winners information available