Drift Installation Art Award

Applications Closed | 372 views in last 12 months
Applications close
23 February 2015
1 May 2015
Prize money
AUD $3,500
WA, Australia
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It is my pleasure to announce that the 2015 Stretch Arts Festival will this year be hosting the Inaugural Drift Installation Art Award, 1-10 May 2015.

As such, we are seeking high quality proposals for installation/sculptural works from local, national and international artists that respond to the theme "Belonging to Nature" which stems from the festival's overall theme of "Spirit, Land, People". It is considered in Aboriginal culture that these three elements are inherently connected to one another, unified and harmonious, and in keeping with this ideal artists are encouraged to explore the notion that we are not only consumers but contributors to nature, an integral element, connected to the earth and universe through its natural laws. Successful applicants will be selected by panel on strength of application and will be eligible for non-acquisitive prizes worth over $3000.

Artworks are to be installed on the Eastern Foreshore between the Dome cafe and the Foreshore playground (and potentially in/over the water in front of the land site) giving artists the opportunity to exhibit their work in a prominent, high exposure area. To be part of this new and unique public art event, please contact Rebecca Inwood at beksart@westnet.com.au for full brief, application form and terms and conditions.

Applications close
23 February 2015
Exhibition dates
1-10 May 2015
Finalists notified
20 February 2015
National and International Entries Allowed
Prize frequency
Prize genre
Arts Festival
Eastern Foreshore, Mandurah, Western Australia
AUD $3,500
Last updated
15 February 2015
Prior Winners
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