Sculpture in the Paddock

Applications Closed | 334 views in last 12 months
Applications close
4 May 2018
21 September 2018
Prize money
AUD $20,000
NSW, Australia
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Part of the impetus behind the project was the fact that the Yass Valley Shire boasts an unusually high proportion of sculptors – some of national and international standing. Rosemary Madigan, Michael le Grand, Wendy Teakel, David Jenz and Phil Spelman and Lee Tunks – to name just a few. On top of this, the town of Yass boasts no less than four sculptures by iconic Australian sculptor, the late Tom Bass.

Scultpure in the Paddock is held in Spring each year; a time when our region literally blossoms and culturally flourishes. September sees the celebration of Floriade in Canberra, quality live music hosted in many local venues, terrific produce available in local eateries and the commencement of the Turning Wave Festival in Yass. All of these factors combine to create a beautiful experience for locals, art enthusiasts and passers-by who have loved Scutlpure in the Paddock for the past five years.

In addition to a large-scale outdoor event, Sculpture in the Paddock is proud to run a concurrent Schools Program bringing art and artists to many schools in our region.


  • $15,000 Sculpture in the Paddock Prize
  • $3,000 Encouragement Award
  • $2,000 People's Choice


Contact: For more details email

Venue: Shaw Vineyard Estate, Murrumbateman, NSW

Application dates
1 March 2018 - 4 May 2018
Exhibition dates
22 September 2018 - 7 October 2018
Finalists notified
8 June 2018
National Entries
Prize frequency
Gordon Bull and Jas Hugonnet.
Prize genre
Shaw Vineyard Estate, Murrumbateman
AUD $20,000
$30 for the first work and $20 for each subsequent work. There is a sales commission of 25%.
Last updated
7 March 2018
Prior Winners
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